“The View’s” BIG TALENT SHOW: The Redneck Olympics

“Chet Chesterfield” is the kind of guy who — once he gets an idea in his head and he’s convinced himself that it’s great — just doesn’t let something go.

He’s a persistent bugger, I will say that.  I do like persistence.  “Chet” takes it to an entirely different level.  With the Summer Olympic Games starting today in London, “Chet” felt the need to whine — errrr, vent — about how the International Olympic Committee hasn’t given him the time of day when it comes to a couple of ideas he’s had for new events in the Games.

Now, why is it that the IOC wouldn’t be interested in Chet’s suggestions?  You tell me.

Cheyenne shows one of the new Olympic events that “Chet Chesterfield” has in mind.



Do you have a “hidden talent” that you’d like to share with the world?  Feel free to do so!  All I ask is that you keep it at a “PG rating,” because, after all, this is SUPPOSED to be a family friendly show!

How do you do it?  Use a camcorder or a webcam, silly!  And come up with something original to post on YouTube so I can share it here!  Put on your thinking caps, boys and girls, and feel free to send me those YouTube links to (Do I dare give out my personal email address?  Yeah, why not, I know how to use the Delete button there too.  And we’re all friends here, right?  Right?) jgmiller_2000@yahoo.com.  Be sure to give me your first name and where you’re from so I can let people know.  I won’t be putting them up every day, maybe just make it a Friday-only show.  A great way to end each week (if you give me that many each week).

Be sure to give me a subject line on your email of “The View’s Big Talent Show Submission.”  And I am serious!

Good luck!  I look forward to seeing what you’ve got!  And, like the Foo Fighters once sang (a time or two), “KEEP IT CLEAN!”

Copyright 2012, Daddysangbassdude Media


My music playlist for today (July 27, 2012 edition)

I’m going to wrap up the playlist’s “giants week” today with a dose of some blues.

To be honest, there’ve been way too many great blues musicians to single out as being the greatest.  That goes back to the days of the “Father of the Blues,” W.C. Handy.

Like Louis Armstrong with jazz, though, there has been one blues artist who has served as an ambassador to the world when it comes to the blues for a lot of years, one who’s influenced blues musicians who’d come after him with his style on the blues guitar.

That guitar has a name:  “Lucille.”  It’s played by the king:  B.B. King.


Français : Le bluesman américain B. B. King en...
Français : Le bluesman américain B. B. King en concert à Deauville (Normandie, France) en 1989. Español: El blusero americano B.B. King en un concierto en Deauvile (Normandía, Francia) en 1989 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)