On gay marriage, Scott Walker, and shooting at Trayvon …

Going to web programming classes every day for a while has a way of breaking up any commentary on or ability to keep up with current events from me, so I’ll take a few quick jabs at a few things that came up last week as I prepare for the start of another five days of tech learning.

Gay marriage: Is it any of my business … or yours?  So Vice President Joe Biden went on “Meet The Press” just over a week ago and gave his personal opinion in favor of gay marriage, and it created a storm — even within the White House — on the issue, with President Obama later kind of softening his own stance … or something like that.

President Barack Obama walking with Vice Presi...
President Barack Obama walking with Vice President Joe Biden at The White House (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is one example of Barack Obama frustrating me at times, coming across as very wishy-washy depending on which way the political winds are blowing instead of coming across as more of a leader … in other words, coming across more as one of your “typical politicians.”

A big chunk of the “political roundtable” on Sunday’s “Meet The Press” dealt with the issue, and before that the Republican National Committee chairman spent a lot of time talking about it as a political issue — like it was one of the bigger issues outside of the economy in our current climate.

I guess my big question on this is … why is it a political issue?  I suppose it has to do with the belief that so many people consider America as a nation built on religion, when it really isn’t.  I keep having to ask myself the question of why — when so many conservatives cry about government having too much control over our everyday lives — is there such a pressing need by conservatives to try and have so much control over our everyday lives?

I may not agree with Clint Eastwood on many things politically, but there are some things he says that are so spot-on that I just feel like standing up and cheering.  His stance on gay marriage is one of them, specifically this quote of his from October in GQ magazine …

Clint Eastwood at the 2010 Toronto Internation...
Clint Eastwood at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage?  I don’t give a [bleep] about who wants to get married to anybody else!  Why not?!  We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of.  They go on and on with all this [bleep] about ‘sanctity’ — don’t give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want.”

Clint Eastwood for President!

Scott Walker, we know who butters your bread!  Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a living, walking, breathing example of all that’s wrong with politics today.  He was, after all, conned once by an Occupy protester on the phone into thinking he was speaking directly to billionaire Tea Party backer David Koch and was recorded saying some pretty revealing things as to how big money plays such a big role in decisions that are made in government today, and last week this gem was revealed in a video involving the embattled Republican governor.

Gov. Scott Walker’s “divide and conquer” playbook

Why is it that Gov. Walker seems to listen more to people who have the big bank accounts than he does to the “everyday people?”  No, you don’t really have to answer that.

How low can people go?  Shooting targets representing slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin, at least as far as carrying Skittles and iced tea?  Are you kidding me?  Apparently not.

Shooting targets resembling Trayvon Martin sold online

So sad.  So … unsurprising.

Have a fun week with current events in the coming days!

Copyright 2012, Daddysangbassdude Media

My music playlist for today (May 14, 2012 edition)

I did a Mother’s Day music playlist yesterday for my lovely wife, filled with some jazzier selections from her favorite singer, Natalie Cole.  Today, I’ll do a “day-after Mother’s Day” playlist for my country music loving Mom.

Jim Reeves
Jim Reeves (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

And I’ll stay more on the “jazzier” side with a country flair, going with someone she’d always used to play and sing along to, the gentleman Jim Reeves.

Before his untimely death in 1964 in a plane crash, Jim Reeves just didn’t fully come across as someone you might think of as a country music singer.  He seemed more like someone with a different style — contemporary, cosmopolitan, more at home performing in a big-city nightclub than some honky-tonk.

But his style reached out to a lot of people.  It still got to the matter of personal yearning, heartache, just like many country music songs.  He may have worn bow ties quite often while performing, But Jim Reeves was solid country.

And then it was suddenly taken away.

It was the music world’s loss.